I guess it’s time to have this talk after the absolute ridiculousness that has occurred in the past weeks. I am honestly baffled by it because I assumed nerd communities would show solidarity to minority groups since they are fellow outcasts. Especially with so many dope black characters having graced animes of various genres and age maturities.

Anime ignited my heart and…
I assumed naively that our love for this hobby, this art, would bring us together beyond skin since it at least brought us together beyond age. I’ve seen countless Star Trek and Star Wars conventions of men and women in their 50s or even 60s dressed up and sharing love of their favorite characters of those fandoms. That’s what I’ve come to greatly appreciate as I approach my later 30s. I still am passionately in love with gaming, with these stories, with anime, with nerd culture. I feared as I approached my 30s and as I approached my 40s, I would lose interest in my romance with the medium. The fire would die and I would grow numb to it. Yet my passionate flames burn more amorously as a roaring blaze. And anime saved me at my worst and changed my perspective. I am so glad this musing aged like wine and was incredibly freeing to write: https://planetwu.com/my-unlikely-brilliant-knight-against-a-toxically-somber-beast/
… reminded to live with fervent passion and not to relinquish my childhood dreams and hopes. To not give up, to not surrender to cynicism and colorlessness. These stories have relit my passion for writing fantasy weavings, and creating my own worlds. And rekindled my love of writing on anime and games because I have plenty to say and love to scribe. But while age would not perhaps be our greatest roadblock, skin color would still appear to be. Far more than I thought it would be. I figured after having a respectable increase in the amount of black representation in anime and games, the reception was well normalized. The manga, anime, and game artists would not incorporate something not embraced in their entertainment. Take for example, recent anime “Plus Sized Elf”, has a dark elf so curvy that her fat *** (derriere) rips her pants and magic raiment asunder. She is a vision of anime beauty 😭. The Japanese must be going through a dumpy phase, because what a way to model her. And because of the anime’s theme, she’s an appropriate fit. It gives a sorta Monster Musume vibe, basically with various fantasy humanoids trying to lose weight and/or achieve a healthier build. And dark elves could be often viewed as fantasy equivalents to our melanated queens.

And Then Some Of My Favorite Anime Queens Are Black
There are so many awesome characters of flesh rich with melanin, and character with numerous dimensions and layers. Some of my favorite anime females seem to have bathed of chocolate goodness. Hibana (Fire Force), Yoruichi (Bleach) and Michiko (Michiko and Hatchin) just to Name a few. And they have powerful roles to boot, so they are not just attractive fluff, but they are incredibly well developed characters and are very popular… They command respect and attention to the anime that they grace with splendor. And there are definitely some dope black male characters like Tousen (Bleach) and Afro (Afro Samurai) as well. The representation is very well done.


Princess Hibana

I really thought we were past this…
…But damn was I naive
Because boy has a sizable portion, seemingly a vocal minority, really shown their ass over Assassin’s Creed Shadows and Megan Thee Stallion. And to be honest, I am being unfair to the Asian community to even give a benefit of doubt that it “may” be more the western fanbase of these artworks. I am very confident these westerners are alone in their hate. Look at the language used by the petitioners from translated screen caps beneath the Game Rant screen cap. When I seen terms like DEI, I knew these were racists pretending to be Japanese fans. At minimum, they may be accompanied by a very small minority Japanese people . But it is incredibly doubtful.

For their hate to be this strong that these dudes are taking the time to Google Translate and make fake Japanese accounts to impersonate Japanese natives to sign petitions over a game because of who Ubisoft chose to be ONE OF ITS PROTAGONIST: shows how very little is going on their lives. Because that is far too much effort to use over something so petty and insignificant. Especially because Yasuke, the other protagonist, EXISTED!

The man they screamed through keyboards isn’t a Samurai. But a retainer. And not only were there people posing as offended Japanese folk. Apparently, some individuals had majors in Japanese history and evidently knew more than various astute Japanese natives about Japanese history.
Go Figure…
It was just a wild time in the Twitter-verse. Accusations that Ubisoft is just trying to pander were common. I mean… why are there “blerds” (black nerds) so adamant against blacks having strong role? It’s almost coonish behavior. I would be a bit more understanding because quite often companies do try pandering to minorities, but seriously …?
I mean, there are some legitimately bothered by the moniker. And with fringes like these, I can understand why some black anime/comic/game fans do not want to be associated with it. And man I gotta revisit this with the Megan stuff, because my lord all I could do was facepalm. The Fringes like earlier could be one of factors that make black anime/comic/game fans not even want to be associated with the title, aside from more style complaints.

But thankfully, real Japanese folks tore into their asses all over TikTok and Twitter, schooling those would be “enlightened” individuals of the existence and popularity of Yasuke.
Even a tweet citing a historian over this weekend, ripped their flimsy rebuttals to shreds. Which would be easy anyway. What it took was a little bit of critical-thinking. But I’m thankful for his input and insight. Because the naysayers certainly seemed incapable of it…
Considering how sacred and romanticized the katana was for that period, and the fact that “retainer” was allowed to openly carry it, it was easy to deduce he was a samurai. Their arguments were mind-numbing and boiled down to hiding the ball. They just don’t wanna play “DEI” aka n****rs, the “woke”. Or simply blacks. Many naysayers (racist or not) don’t want to see blacks of any esteemed role. Which is wild to me because white skin is overflowing and over-represented in numerous games. And the worst part is that you had self-destructive Black “tokens” literally trying to tear it down on grounds of “historical accuracy”.

That term “historical accuracy” was the most annoying fallback to justify their nonsense. They kept incessantly using this phrase to dodge around any sensible rebuttal and mindlessly drone on that it should be historically accurate. A game about Aliens leaving behind ancient technology, and you living through ancestors which are from an assassin guild. Fighting against Templars trying to control the world. It’s all absolutely ridiculous and the furthest thing from historical accuracy. If you want a recap, here you are:
Just baffling to me that this was so heavily contested on accuracy at all. I hate to upset any Assassin’s Creed fans, but the story is pretty shite in my opinion. It is absolutely convoluted and so out there that I don’t even understand why this is being used as an argument. How can you even fix your lips to put “historical accuracy” and Assassin’s Creed in the same sentence? Hell, it has never been historically with characters until now:

And the story being…
I don’t know…
It was truly nonsense, but quite a “mask off” I was thankful to see. Because you got to see the lengths people will go not to play with lead characters with black skin or to allow a black figure in a significant role. Just the amount of logic backflips were insane. Absolutely revolting…
The most disappointing is the situation with a portion of the anime community trying to revoke Megan Thee Stallion’s anime fan card over her song “Mamushi”. And this is where the word “Blerd” creeps up again. Because these little demons are trying to tear down a true blue anime fan. This guy, for example, was trying to criticize how she pronounced Japanese words.
The guy above for example, was trying to criticize how she pronounced Japanese words. Not taking into account her pronunciation and cadence has to match the beat… since it’s a song. SO HER DELIVERY HAS TO MATCH. Not to mention, Yuki Chiba is the Japanese native who would teach the Japanese lyrics to her. So he would have corrected her. The lack of critical thinking was just moronic in my opinion. But he got dragged all over, by Japanese women and Black women
Dump of content

Yuki Chiba and Megan Thee Stallion
I would honestly be more understanding if he wasn’t such a condescending asshole. Because even I originally had my doubts. I assumed she was a fraud a long time ago before researching and digesting some of her many interviews discussing numerous anime. My whole perspective changed after just some open-minded investigation. She’s rightfully earned her anime fan card. And even some characters she’s cosplayed aren’t standard. She has cosplayed Yumeko Jabami and Saiki K which are from very obscure anime.

She’s legit bruh…
And it appears she definitely passed the “sniff test” because she also has a group that wants to work with her. And they unfortunately faced their own share of absolute nonsense And vitriol…

Why I think she could have a significant impact on spotlighting anime even more to the mainstream and to hip-hop culture. Afterall, white people consume hiphop far more than even black people. And Japanese love hip hop and absolutely adore Megan Thee Stallion. I prophesied about her before and believe wholeheartedly she could act as a bridge of these cultures. I mused about it here: https://planetwu.com/so-continues-our-glorious-golden-age/.She appeals to too many sides and “Mamushi” features a Japanese artist on it. I assume this is only the beginning. Confidently so.

I think she could have a significant impact on spotlighting anime even more to the mainstream and to hip-hop culture. Afterall, white people consume hiphop far more than even black people. And Japanese love hip hop and absolutely adore Megan Thee Stallion. I prophesied about her before and believe wholeheartedly she could act as a bridge of these cultures. I mused about it here: https://planetwu.com/so-continues-our-glorious-golden-age/.She appeals to too many sides and “Mamushi” features a Japanese artist on it. I assume this is only the beginning. Confidently so.

I already have another gorgeous black queen I have sworn fealty to and wish to help her realize her ambitions as well as my own. So I’m not personally tempted by Megan’s allure and wiles, but I can certainly appreciate them. She’s a gorgeous black woman that will capture the eyes of many and is an absolute weeb. She definitely has my respect and has me looking forward to seeing the path she paves for fellow anime fans and the mark she leaves on the culture.
What are your thoughts on this craziness? Do you vibe with Megan defenders? Were you aware of the negativity around Blerds? Do you have anything to add? Thank you very much for reading this far. I had plenty to say on subject and plenty to show. Chime ya thoughts down below.
And further closing, I’d like to high light various black cosplayers. Some I’ll have handles to find more of their content…

The Take Away…?